

I will List Your Home for 1%

As the owner and broker of Boe Real Estate, I have the flexibility to list your home for 1%. Most single family detached homes qualify for this unique, 1%, selling proposition.  Boe Real Estate has offered reduced commissions to Sellers for over 35 years. You get maximum exposure in the San Diego MLS, the California Regional MLS,, and 100 other websites. I offer “Full Service for Less” and handle all the negotiations and all required paperwork. Why pay more? What do you get for paying more?  My Sellers save $15,000 selling a 1 million dollar home.  My Sellers save $22,500 selling a 1.5 million dollar home. To save thousands selling your home, call me now at 760-944-1160 office or 760-846-0486 cell.

Just for Sellers

Property Valuation

If you are thinking about selling your property, getting an idea of what it might be worth can help with that decision.

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Sellers Advantage

Selling your home requires a true professional working for you. We offer 35 years broker experience selling over 1,000 homes.

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Home Improvement

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